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Collaborations that bring satisfaction to both us and our clients.

Long-term partnerships as well as one-time legal consultations for clients from various industries.

Banking & FinanceEnergy, Water management and WasteICT and Technological ProjectsMedia and Related ServicesReal Estate and ConstructionSportPublic sector

Where they have already found the right law firm

Česká pošta, s.p.

Provision of legal services in connection with the sale of significant real estate belonging to Česká pošta, s.p. in Prague.

Public Sector

České dráhy, a.s.

Provision of legal services in connection with the sale of large brownfield land, one of the largest development areas in the wider center of Prague.

Public Sector

Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy – Vlaky a dopravní systém automatizace linky C a nové linky D

Transport Company of the City of Prague – Trains and the automation system of line C and the new line D

Public Sector


Assessment of regulatory issues related to the connection of the planned GigaFactory site to energy and water sources.

Public Sector

Teplárny Brno

Legal confirmation of the new model of electricity supply from city sources for city organizations and companies.

Public Sector

Foreign architectural office based in New York – New Main Station in Brno

Comprehensive legal support for the client during its participation in the architectural competition for the design of the New Main Railway Station in Brno.

Public Sector

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Whether you are seeking legal consultation or a long-term partner, feel free to contact us without any obligation.

We will get in touch with you no later than the next business day to discuss the next steps.

T +420 224 216 212