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Long-term partnerships as well as one-time legal consultations for clients from various industries.

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Where they have already found the right law firm


Comprehensive support for the Czech Banking Association in the "BankID" project. This involved the preparation of a legal feasibility study and legislative proposals as well as subsequent negotiations with state representatives, including support for legislative and legal issues related to electronic identification.

Banking & Finance

Česká spořitelna, Československá obchodní banka, Komerční banka and UniCredit Group

Legal support for banks in connection with the National Development Fund project, a unique collaboration between the state and the private sector resulting in an investment fund with the relevant authorization under ZISIF (National Development Fund SICAV, a.s.)

Banking & Finance

Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring

Comprehensive legal advice in connection with various cross-border factoring programs for several French groups of companies, each with a presence in the Czech Republic.

Banking & Finance

City of Prague

Negotiation of loan documentation (LMA) between the City of Prague and EIB concerning a long-term loan for the construction of the new metro line D amounting to CZK 26 billion (approximately EUR 1 billion).

Banking & Finance

Le Chèque Déjeuner – Up Czech Republic

Comprehensive legal advice in connection with the regulatory aspects of payment services and support in the renegotiation of contracts related to the transition from proprietary benefit cards to Mastercard.

Banking & Finance

Raiffeisenbank (formerly Equa bank)

Comprehensive advice in the context of AML, implementation of PSD2, regulation of outsourcing in bankin and regulation of consumer credit provision.

Banking & Finance

Professional legal service in every way

We always go in-depth to be a genuine partner for you

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T +420 224 216 212