Mgr. Ivana Řezáčová specializes in legal consulting in the field of law:
Mgr. Ivana Řezáčová specializes in legal consulting in the field of law:
Mgr. Ivana Řezáčová specializes in legal consulting in the field of law:
in particular in public procurement law, construction law and contract law within the team of ROWAN LEGAL.
especially in the construction sector, including large infrastructure projects and water infrastructure. Ivana also has experience in the preparation and implementation of specific models of construction project implementation, such as the Design & Build method. She provides legal advice to both contracting authorities and contractors on public procurement and concession proceedings as well as proceedings before the Office of Public Procurement and the courts.
contract documents, legal analyses and feasibility studies, administration of tender procedures, and issues related to financing projects from European or national subsidies. It also provides clients with legal advice in the implementation phase of construction projects.
2023 - present
Professional experience
Position: Associate
2020 - 2023
Professional experience
Position: Junior Lawyer
2017 - 2020
Professional experience
Position: Senior Paralegal
Professional experience
Position: Junior Paralegal
Field of study: Law and legal science
Field of study: Law and legal science
Prepared complete tender conditions, including contract documentation for three public contracts concerning the reconstruction of three hospitals with an aggregate value of approximately CZK 2 billion excluding VAT for the client Krajská zdravotní, a.s. (2020), including the preparation of decisions on objections submitted during the tender procedure.
Participated in the provision of complex legal services related to the procurement of the public contract “Reconstruction of KD REPRE”, which was awarded in a restricted procurement procedure with a value of up to CZK 1 billion excluding VAT (2020).
Participated in providing comprehensive legal services related to the implementation of the project “PRIOR Concession” of the contracting authority, the Municipal District of Prague 12, with a value of over CZK 2.7 billion excluding VAT (2020).
It prepared the complete tender conditions, including contract documents for two public procurement contracts for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Moldova and a root treatment plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina for approximately EUR 70 million. CZK without VAT and 32 million CZK, respectively. CZK 32 million, excluding VAT for the client Czech Development Agency (2020).
She participated in the preparation of the tender conditions, including the contract documentation for the public contract for the reconstruction of the water treatment plant worth approx. CZK (VAT excluded), including providing legal advice in the procurement process for the client Severočeská vodárenská společnost, a. s. (2020).
Participated in the provision of comprehensive legal services related to the procurement of the public contract of the contracting authority, the City of Prague, public contract “Construction No. 40759 Multifunctional oper. Wed. Malovanka, stage 0001 MOS Building; completion of construction”, which was awarded in a restricted tender procedure with a value of approximately CZK 677 million. CZK without VAT (2020).
Participated in providing comprehensive legal services related to the procurement of the public contract of the contracting authority, the City of Prague and Povodí Vltavy, state enterprise, public contract “Construction No. Prague, stage 0007 Trója, part19 and VD Troja – reconstruction of the dividing wall of the sports channel’, which was awarded in an open tender procedure with a value of approximately CZK 135 million. The total value of the project was CZK 135 million, excluding VAT (2020).
Participated in the preparation of the Study of Alternatives for the Management and Operation of VHI after 2028 for the client Pražská vodohospodářská společnost a.s. (2020–2021).
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