Why choose us
CZK 10+ mil. the sum of fines imposed in the Czech Republic for GDPR violations between 2018 and 2022
CZK 4.5 mil. the sum of fines imposed for GDPR violations in the Czech Republic in the first half of 2023
3000+ complaints received by the Office for Personal Data Protection in 2022
313 reported security incidents in 2022
Why choose us
We represent our clients in proceedings before regulatory authorities, whether the Office for Personal Data Protection, the Czech Telecommunications Office or the State Labor Inspection Office. If necessary, we also defend clients in administrative courts.
Our team includes experts not only in law but also in IT and cybersecurity. This enables us to better understand complex tools and find optimal solutions with a focus on privacy and personal data protection.
We have been addressing personal data protection for our clients long before the GDPR. Since then, we have built robust expertise, which we are eager to share with you. Our experiences have also been compiled into the first practical GDPR commentary.
Who will be dedicated to assisting you
What our clients say about us
For a client with global operations, we prepare internal documentation to comply with GDPR while respecting the different legal regulations in the countries where the holding company operates.
We successfully implemented GDPR for the client and have since helped keep it up to date in line with the introduction of new products and processes. We also assist the client in assessing the impacts of using artificial intelligence.
Legal advice in connection with the reimplementation of obligations regarding the protection of personal data (GDPR), preparation of an overview of internal processes and identification of partial risks, including a proposal for the follow-up implementation part. The estimated value of this matter is CZK 750,000.
Supporting the client in implementing legal obligations regarding cookies and similar technologies in the context of the amendment to the Electronic Communications Act. Our support included the delivery of a methodology for identifying and classifying the tools used. We also assisted the client in deploying the chosen solution in Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.
We helped the capital city to treat the operation of the camera system in a way that complies with data protection legislation.
We regularly support the VIG Data Protection Officer in dealing with data protection issues. As part of this support, we have recently addressed in particular the use of telematics data from clients' vehicles for insurance calculations.
After several years since the implementation of GDPR, we have mapped the current functioning of the client and based on this we have updated the GDPR documentation. We also provide the client with the services of a data protection officer.
Legal advice to the client in connection with digitization processes and the related protection of personal data. We also supported the client in proceedings before the supervisory authorities.
We work with clients on a daily basis to address data protection and data access issues in innovative projects. We also helped draft simplified terms and conditions for digital services and negotiated a contract with a service provider to enable payment for parking directly from the vehicle.
Providing comprehensive legal advice related to data protection. We provide continuous support to the client and its delegate in dealing with data protection issues, including identifying potential risks, setting up internal processes and reviewing pertinent documentation. Additionally, we review contracts with key suppliers, and draft and update contractual documentation according to the client’s requirements and the latest legal regulations.
Whether you are seeking legal consultation or a long-term partner, feel free to contact us without any obligation.
We will get in touch with you no later than the next business day to discuss the next steps.
T +420 224 216 212
E praha@rowan.legal